
What is the Cutoff marks for IBPS bank exam

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

What is the Cutoff marks for IBPS bank exam

 Cutoff marks for IBPS bank PO and clerical exams

In IBPS abank PO and clerical exams,cut off marks/score will depend on
1.numbet of students taken the exam
2.number of students qualified
3.number of posts
4.Difficulty of exam paper
Depending upon the above mentioned 4 factors,cutoff marks will decide.
Ibps cut off marks/score 70%/60%?
According to experts,ibps exam very huge competetion exam,across india,so many students taking this exam,so if you get 70% of marks that is 70% of 250 marks=175, you will definetly get job in any of 19 banks notification.7o% of marks guaranteed you job in first notification.
If IBPS exam paper was very tough
You need to get 60 to 65% of marks mean 140-145 marks results you job.
60% of marks(140 MARKS) also offer you job?
Actually this is a common written test for bank jobs in 19 banks.Let say indian bank given the notification for jobs,then 70% score students will get job in indian bank
Also if ANDHRA BANK release notification for jobs,then 68% of marks students will get the job in andhra bank.
So if you very lucky,then 5 to banks will release notification for jobs means then 60% of marks students have chances to get the job in of 19 banks.


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