ibps bank exam 2011 for clerks have 5 sections as similar to bank po
exam,but the level of questions will be vary that is for clerical
exam,he will ask very simple and basic problems,but for po’s the level
of question will be very difficult compare with po’s exam.So students
this is a golden opportunity to get the job in any of 19banks.The
syllabus not surprised for clerical exam,have the look on syllabus.
total sections:5
total questions:250
total marks:250
time: 150 minutes
1.Reasoning———- 50 marks (50 questions)
2.English language——50 marks (50 questions)
3.Numerical ability—-50 marks (50 questions)
4.General awareness—50 marks (50 questions)
5. computer knowledge–50 marks(50 questions)
Penalty for wrong answer:0.25
For each wrong answer you will be penalised 0.25 marks,so be careful
while writing the exam,don’t attempt all questions in all/any section,it
will affects your score and as well as time.
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