
SBI online application form 2012 for clerks-SBI Associate banks online application:

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Recently, SBI Recruitment 2012 notification issued 7740 vacancies in the Deputy banks.Here you can take the form of SBI Online Application 2012 for employees over an online registration process is clearly explained, step by step the process.

First, can make messages wise Bank, later you can select the bank, which is implemented in the application form online.

1. State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ): 1400 vacancies

2. State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH): 1880 vacancies

3. State Bank of Mysore (SBM): 800 seats

4. State Bank of Patiala (SBP): 1160 vacancies

5. State Bank of Travancore (SBT): 2500 vacancies

How to apply for SBI associate bank clerk recruitment 2012:

Candidates 1.Eligible access the official Internet website of SBI or #

2.Candidates requested to scan your photos with the signature to load on the application form on-line mode.

3.Read instructions carefully and click Apply Online

4.Fill the application form online employee of SBI and ultimately save you date.System automatically generated registration number and password

5.Note registration number and password, once again reopen the page by using this data

6.Candidates to take an impression of the payment fee Challan system generated immediately after submitting your application online

7.Fee Payment will be accepted from the second working day after registration and can be done within three working days in any branch of State Bank of India, all over India.

8.Pay share by paying the fee system generated Challan form

9.Ensure that provide the valid email id and mobile number to get the confirmation report of payment of the fee officials.You can check on your email in box or mobile inbox after 3 days payment.Once rate fee paid, the registration process is complete.

You can also pay the fee using Mastercard / Visa / net banking online:
1.Candidates have 2 options to pay the application fee, is an off-line mode and the other is the online mode.

2.Offline payment options so clearly explained above.

3.It 's vaey pay the fee simple by the use of net banking / Master Card / Visa in online mode

4.Just select the card type and enter data on the card as the card number, card name exactly, expiry date and CVV code, etc.

5.Once fee paid, you will receive confirmation of fee payment over the phone / e-mail.

Let's see, if you face any difficulty to pay the application fee mode.Just online / offline use the comment box to submit your query.All the best!

Click here for SBI Associates Bank Online application form 2012 for Clerks

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