CAT Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus-CAT Quantitative Aptitude Tricks,Books,Preparation Material
Quantitative Aptitude and Data interpretation is the first section in Cat Exam.This section have 30 questions to answer in 70 minutes.The Cat exam 2012 has 60 questions.In the first section candidates need to answer 30 questions in 70 minutes.After completion of this section,automatically the second section will display in the screen.Again you have to answer 30 questions in 70 minutes in second section of Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning.CAT Books by arun sharma will helps you to get the full knowledge in type of questions and difficulty.Also provided some valuable tricks to answer the questions in less time.
CAT Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus:
Number System
Profit and Loss
Simple interest & compound interest
Ratio and Proportion
Time and Work
Time ,Speed and Distance
Permutations & Combinations
Set Theory
2-Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry
General Aptitude
CAT Data Interpretation Syllabus:
Data will provided in the any of below listed from along with questions.Candidates need to analyse the data and provide the answer as per problem
1. Tabular columns
2.Pie Chars
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