
What is your IBPS Clerk score ? How to Prepare for Clerk Interview ?

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

What is the IBPSaverage score ? That seems to be the main talking point all over the internet these days.But in my opinion you are going the wrong way.Preparingfor the IBPS clerkinterview should be the first thing you should have in your mind . What ever your score may be you can get deleted out of the job list if you perform badly in the job interview of the banks.
So what you need to do now is to prepare yourself a well thought out plan for the interview and follow it.I would suggest that studying at least 10 interview questions and 1 group discussion topic every day will do the job. But keep one thing in mind that you need to prepare consistently from today. If you can do that , you surely have a good chance in doing well at the interview.
First when you know your marks , come back here and post themarks below so that you can know the par score in the exam in each states.
So now about the possibility of the job.
There are about 20,000 jobs floating. So what you need to do is to know the competition in your state. Some states like Gujarat which is big will have many states or vacancies. But some states like kerala will have very less vacancies. remember that the vacancies vary from the state to state. So even if you had scored a 150 in kerala you may not get the job while if you score 150 in Gujarat you may get the job.
So let us make a schedule for your IBPS clerk interview preparation
  • Comment your marks in the comment section below
  • Study and prepare at least 10 interview questions daily.
Let us go together in the preparation. I will post 10 interview questions daily with the model answers from today so that you can prepare your answers and study online. Make sure that you follow this routine daily , so that you can get ahead of your interview competitors. If you have the will to get the job you can do it now. So tell your mind firmly that I will follow this plan and prepare 10 questions daily.
Comment your opinion below. But do not post your email id in the comments.

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