Apsrtc Junior Assistance jobs notification , November,2011.
Apsrtc invited applications from graduates for 544 junior assistant posts in finance,personal and material departments.The syllabus is different for each post.you can have the full syllabus for junior assistance personal and also have quick view on qualifications and complete notification details here.
266 posts-Junior assistant Finance:
junior assistant(finance) for 226 posts and education qualification for this post is degree(graduates) from any recognized university.And 30 years age candidates,are eligible to take this exam.For sc/st/bc 35 years age required(5 years relaxation for sc/st/bc).
Exam date: December, 18, 2011.
Application Fee: 200 for sc/st/bc and 400 rupees for general candidates(oc)
196 posts-Junior assistant(personal)
For this post syllabus was very heavy,have to cover all topics.total number of posts of junior assistant personal was 196.When you come across the education qualification similar to junior assistant finance,but have to pass in typewriting in telugu or english.
Exam date: January,22, 2012.
Application Fee: 200 rupees for sc/st/bc and 400 rupees for general candidates(oc)
82 posts-Junior assistant material
Junior assistant in material department,82 posts given and education qualification is degree from any recognised university or diploma in mobile or mechanical engineering.
Exam date: March, 4, 2012.
Application Fee: 200 rupees for sc/st/bc and 400 rupees for general candidates(oc)
Important dates:
Payment of fee starts from: 10-11-2011
Online application filling(submitting) : 11-11-2011
Last date for payment fee: 28-11-2011 till 5pm
last date for uploading online application: 30-11-2011 till 5pm
Application Mode: online only.
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